About the Partnership
Our collaborative partnership promotes GLOBE in the region by
engaging in educator professional development, K–12 student
programming, pre-service teacher training, and collaborative federal
and private grant-funded activities.
2024 Highlights
1. At our third annual local Student Research Symposium (SRS), held
at the Toledo Zoo, 385 K-12 students presented their GLOBE research.
The following day, 87 middle and high school students from four states
participated in the GLOBE Midwest SRS, a two-and-a-half-day event at
the zoo. At the Midwest SRS, student presented their research,
participated in team building exercises, collected and reported on
GLOBE data collected at the zoo, spent the night in the zoo's aquarium
at a "Zoo Snooze" evening that included behind the scene's
tours and hands-on activities, and learned from subject matter experts
during career and keynote talks.
2. We hosted a Summer STEAM camp experience again this year at
Waterville Primary School in Waterville, Ohio. Project-based learning
framed the summer experience using the driving question: "How
does our school prairie help our community garden grow?" Students
collected GLOBE atmosphere, pedosphere data, and pollinator
observations to deepen their knowledge of the symbiotic relationships
between these two environments.
3. Middle school teachers from Washington and Sylvania Schools earned
GLOBE educator certification after a three-day professional
development series focusing on GLOBE in the Prairie and project-based
learning (PBL). Gold-standard PBL units were created using AI. These
units included GLOBE data collection and student research experiences.
4. Bioblitz BG: Nearly 100 Bowling Green City Schools 5th graders and
50 BGSU pre-service teachers collaborated on a data collection
Bioblitz at Wintergarden Park. GLOBE data (air, surface, and soil
temperatures) were also collected in the park's prairie, trail, and woods.
YLACES, the Toledo
Zoo and Aquarium, Bowling Green State University’s (BGSU)
Northwest Ohio Center for Excellence in STEM Education (NWO),
and the University of Toledo GLOBE Mission Earth sponsored our
GLOBE in the Prairie Local Student Research Symposium
and BGSU and
the Toledo Zoo sponsored Bioblitz BG.
Cooperating Organizations
Xcite Learning, The
Toledo Zoo & Aquarium, NWO STEM Center of Excellence at
BGSU, University of Toledo GLOBE Mission Earth, Waterville
Primary School,
Local Schools, Bowling Green City Schools, Sylvania
Schools, Toledo Public Schools, and the City of Bowling
Green: Wintergarden Park.
Areas of Expertise
professional development, programming for students, Elementary
GLOBE, pre-service teachers