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Message Boards

Image Gallery Tab for Partners

Jennifer Bourgeault, modified 9 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 21 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
I would like to request an Image Gallery tab for Partners. Partners often take pictures at their workshops showing the variety of activities and the smiles on participants' faces. It would be a convenient place for teachers interested in the GLOBE Program to see what kind of workshops different partners provide. It would be easy to click on the Events tab to register for a workshop being given by that partner or the Contact tab to find the email or call.
David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
We can do that...It would take a little while to go through and automatically retrofit everyone's pages, but if there's some in particular that are interested, we can go through and spend some time to add them manually...wouldn't take too much time..Could you provide a list of partners that might be interested?
Janelle M. Johnson, modified 10 Months ago.
Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 6/19/13 Recent Posts
Great idea Jen! I think it makes the activities more accessible for newbies.
Steven Smith, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 6/14/12 Recent Posts
I love the idea and would appriciate a place to post photos from my GLOBE workshops
Thomas Hunt (inactive), modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 5/14/13 Recent Posts
Great idea, roll it out!
Nicomas Dollar, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 6/18/12 Recent Posts
We will hosting a TtT workshop in April and would love to be able to share photos with our participants as a way for them to review their activities.
David Bydlowski, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
It would be great to have a place to add images easily. It would provide a great visual library.
Jessica Taylor, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 10 Join Date: 6/19/12 Recent Posts
I'd participate! We just took some great photos from our Read Aloud event (folks here from NASA Langley went to local schools and read "All About Earth" ), We also just finished an Elementary GLOBE training with 170 teachers from one district.
David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
OK - you all are the lucky guinea pigs!

We added an Image Gallery page as a tab on each of your partner you can upload pictures.

Currently this is protected - you have to be logged in to see the images, but you can try it out and see what you think.

I'm not real fond of the "out of the box" image gallery - the slideshow isn't great, but we're looking at an option to build out a new and improved version.

See what you think - it should be on the last tab for each of your partner pages. (look under Goto\/ on the top menu to find it if you're not sure).

If you all like the idea of it (even if it could be improved)...we can look at rolling it out to all partners and/or Country coordinators..
David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Added the image gallery to your partner pages too...

We're looking at updating the slideshow part...hopefully will see some improvements in the next month or so as well..


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