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RE: Email-Data-Entry (EMDE)

Felix Julian Möller, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 11/17/14 Recent Posts
Dear Supporters-Team,

as I try to entry some Training-Data via E-Mail I cannot find any help. May you can help me:

First of all how long will it take to upload these data so I can see if it works or not.
Moreover I typed an Email seems like this:

Subject: DATA
ATM ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505251205 13.04 17 9.29
ST ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505251205 X X 15.62 15.39 DG X
BP ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505251205 2 1016.28
PR ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505251205 2.64 X X X
RH ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505251205 D X X 78.15

So I entered every data as it says in the "tutorial" for Email-Data-Entry.

Is there someone who has got any experience with EMDE so you can help?

I would really appreciate any help.

Greetings from Germany

Felix Möller
David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Hi Felix - I asked our EMDE guru, John Schimmels - here's what he said:

It appears he sent his email to PRATICEDATA@GLOBE.GOV, which has a typo. It should be PRACTICEDATA@GLOBE.GOV. I tried sending a test email with the same email body (change the measurement times to a day earlier), and I did get a response back. However, there were 3 errors that the user will have to take care of:


ATM ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 13.04 17 9.29
ST ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 X X 15.62 15.39 DG X
BP ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 2 1016.28
PR ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 2.64 X X X
RH ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 D X X 78.15


ATM ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 13.04 17 9.29
Warning: maximum/minimum temperatures were not allowed because no current temperature was recorded within one hour of solar noon the day before this observation

ST ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 X X 15.62 15.39 DG X
Value = X
Error = Sample number is required and must be numeric.

BP ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 2 1016.28

PR ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 2.64 X X X
Value = X
Error = Number of days is required, and cannot be set to missing.

RH ORG_ID:10003158 SITE_ID:33286 201505241205 D X X 78.15
Value = X
Error = Dry bulb temperature is required and must be numeric.

The email response also contains help to assist the user in what the fields are and the the system is expecting.

Hope this helps,
Felix Julian Möller, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 11/17/14 Recent Posts
Hey GLOBE-Friends,

Is there anybody, who has got some experience with Email-Data-Entry (EMDE).
Somehow its not working to have a look on my entered data.
You may can contact me, so we can have a chat.

Greetings from Germany

Felix Möller
Felix Julian Möller, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 11/17/14 Recent Posts
Hey David,

thank you for your quick help. I am sorry for my belated response, haven't seen your post. That's a stupid mistake!
I solved that problem you named in your post.
But unfortunately as I send my Email to the server I cannot find the data in the "Entry Training Data"-Site.

The help desk send me these information for the time of uploading the data:

Data entered into the system will show up immediately on the GLOBE Data Visualization Tool with the exception of
the following:
* Air Temp Noon - hourly at 10 minute mark
* Air Temp Dailies - hourly at 10 minute mark
* Soil Temp Noons - hourly at 20 minute mark
* Soil Temp Dailies - hourly at 20 minute mark
* Precipitations - hourly at 30 minute mark
* Barometric Pressure Noons - hourly at 40 minute mark
* Humidity Noons - hourly at 40 minute mark
* Sky Condition Noons - hourly at 40 minute mark
* Aerosols – twice a day at 1 and 13 hr

Sadly I am still waiting on the results of entering the data.

regarding to my Email I get the response:

All lines accepted

I think thats good emoticon

May you have any idea.

David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
I see your data - looks like it went through okay.

one way to tell -

1) go to the viz site (

2) on the filter options on the left, choose the filter by site/location.

3) Select school, teacher or site name and begin typing (ie if you choose teacher, type Felix, and your name will show up along with any sites that are associated with you).

4) Select your site and click "Go"

5) The tool will zoom in on your site and list all data which has been submitted. You can export it, or if you change the range from 30 days to 1 year, you will see 1 data point on 5/25 for each of the protocols you submitted data for.
David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
I checked a few of the IDs you have...Here's what i got.

The org id used in your email data entry is 10003158. That's the correct ID for Geogr. Institut hopefully that's the correct school.

You have two sites - Pulheimer Bach, Site ID 33220, and Rundbau Innenhof, Site ID 33224.

But in your email data entry, you put Site ID 33286.

So if you change the Site ID in your email to either 33220, or 33224 (whichever is the right one) it should work...

FYI - How do you know your Site ID? Go to the visualization system ( On the left hand menu that slides in and out, select Filters. Select Location/Site and enter your school name, or select Sites and enter the site name, or enter Teachers and enter your last name. Either way, you'll get to a list of sites that are associated with your name or school. Select the site and click "Go". This will cause the map to zoom in on your school and show the latest data you've entered. Click the Site Info tab to see the site id.

hope that helps...


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