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RE: Events on Partner Pages

Jessica Taylor, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 10 Join Date: 6/19/12 Recent Posts
Previously in the Events section on a Partner’s page it would pull the active and closed workshops from workshop administration. Can this be done again? Also, what’s the difference between Events and News? We stopped writing "Event" features when it pulled our workshops, so I'm not sure what's best.
David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Hi Jessica - missed your post originally..Will check - workshops should still show up on the Events page. Will have to check if they don't.

On your question - Events would typically be what's coming, while News is usually a description of what happened.
David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
BTW - this should be working now too - workshops should show up as events on partner pages!
Bára Semeráková, modified 9 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 24 Join Date: 6/29/12 Recent Posts
Hi David,
Can you navigate me if there is any "box" in the news/events editor I can tick to push the event/news to the main page? I prepare news under Europe and Eurasia Region and in past I always wrote to GIO to push the news to the news at homepage - it was done manually.
I remember Tony mentioned recently that there should be a way how I can do that myself in events/news editor. The same should apply for any country coordinator posting their national events/news. Did not find the option in my editor though.
David Overoye, modified 9 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 95 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
The GIO can "pull" news and events on to the home page, but you can not "push" them. So if you post a news or event, you can email them and tell them it's there. They can then "click a box" to allow that news or event item to show up on the home page. Nobody needs to re-enter the article, or retype anything.

The GIO can also "push" news and events down to region/country pages. So they could click a couple of boxes and take your news or event and bring it up to the home page, and push it down into all the European country pages as well.
Bára Semeráková, modified 9 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 24 Join Date: 6/29/12 Recent Posts
Thanks David.
Jennifer Bourgeault, modified 8 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 21 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
Is there a way for the Country Coordinator to be notified that an event or news item has been posted to a school/state/partner page in order to "pull" them to post on the Country page?

FYI. This is adding tons and tons of white space to this text box with each line.
Jennifer Bourgeault, modified 6 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 21 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
On the country/partnership pages, can the calendar be arranged so that the next upcoming event is first, then all the others?  For example, on the U.S. page, May/June events are at the top. You have to click to see "all events" then scroll in order to see the one coming up next (like the one tonight). In order for us to keep the current one on the front page, we'd have to hide upcoming events. Thank you for considering this request.
Cornell C. Lewis, modified 12 Months ago.
Padawan Posts: 45 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Hi Jen,

So you would like to show upcoming events, sorted by most recent first and then show past events? Maybe we could also have the ability to only show upcoming events by filtering out past events.
Cornell C. Lewis, modified 12 Months ago.
Padawan Posts: 45 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
OK. Here's the task I will assign to a developer.

Break events into two groups. Upcoming and Past.
Create two links: Upcoming | Past (below the filters)
Display the upcoming events by default and show the most recent event first, then in chronological order. An event shall be considered an upcoming event until the end date has past.
For past events, list in reverse chronological order:

Sound good?
Jennifer Bourgeault, modified 6 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 21 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
Yes, that is correct. I have attached two images. One is what is showing up now, which are the events in May and June. But what we would like showing up are the events coming up in February and March. In order to see those, you have to click on Full Events, then scroll down. Again, thank you for considering this suggestion.


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