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Message Boards

Making friends could be more easy

Matthijs Begheyn, modified 11 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 49 Join Date: 12/7/11 Recent Posts
For some reason I find it quite hard to make connections to (existing) friends. I remember that a few years ago GLOBE made a temporary NING site and GLOBE members very easily and quickly made large amounts of friends.
In the existing system you have to take quite some steps to find people you would like to connect to. Even though the Google maps feature where you see all the schools is very cool, it makes it laborious to find people to connect to. I would find it very nice if you could add some Facebook/LinkedIn/Ning like features:
- make a visualization where you see thumbnails of people and a button connect next to it. Be able to filter those people on country/kind of organisation/role/date they joined/etc. Compare with this LinkedIn page. Actually the member pages of groups are already close to this, but a little user unfriendly. If you go to the cc group for example, you can click on 'show all' and you get a list with all cc's which is great, because I know many of them and would like to connect. However, if you want to connect to one person you have to go to his/her profile first and then you can not easily go back, you have to start all over again. Just a little 'connect' button next to their name might solve this problem. The same holds for the map you see on that page. If you click on an organisation you get the name of a person. If you want to connect to that person you have to go to his/her profile first (and you need a lot of time to get back to your initial position again). A button 'connect to' in the balloon could solve this problem.
- get automated suggestions of people that might want to be your friend
- go through your addressbook to find people that are also on GLOBE and invite them to be your friend
- make a small button next to the profile of people so you can befriend them in one click
- login with facebook
- other members might have more ideas...
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
Try out this process for a start..


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