Blog - David Overoye
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Changes at Davis require weather station users to change the way they report data to GLOBE. This applies to older systems which use the email data entry system.
I had a chance to visit the GLOBE country Croatia recently (beautiful!) and was asked to prepare some training material on how to use GLOBE’s data retrieval systems – Vis and ADAT. In putting together the training material I wanted to do something that would give people a chance to try out the tools and do some analysis on their own. Here’s the presentation on the Vis system with a...
Wanted to post an update on new capabilities that are in the works right now...we hope to see these features coming out in the months ahead: GLOBE Observer 1) We're working on the Hydrosphere protocols to add to the current set of Atmosphere protocols. 2) A new geofencing option is in test that will allow scientists to ask users to collect certain data at certain times and certain...
We've successfully moved the GLOBE environment to it's new hosting location. Hopefully not much has changed for you - but it all should be working. Tell the helpdesk if you find any issues - thank you!