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See Training > User Roadmaps in the site navigation to learn more.Od 5. do 7. listopada 2021. održan je Regionalni GLOBE sastanak i to po drugi puta u online okruženju. To je dalo priliku uključivanja većeg broja učenika i edukatora iz GLOBE škola, što je zbog putovanja i troškova mnogo teže ostvariti kad su sastanci uživo. Prvog dana GLOBE sastanka predstavile su se 4 hrvatske škole u okviru teme Dobrobit za okoliš: OŠ Valentin Klarin, Preko i OŠ Šime...
Croatian GLOBE community has been organizing Science Fairs for the past 18 years, with the goal to encourage and promote students' research projects. Each year the judges select 30 - 40 school projects for the presentation at the GLOBE fair and for publishing on Croatian GLOBE website . Among the projects at the fair, there are always...