Water and Life - El Niño
Water and Life
Guiding Investigative Question 3: How does water in our environment impact living organisms?
Here are a few sample questions that you and your students might want to focus on:
- Is my environment prone to vector-borne disease?
- Is my environment a coastal or inland environment?
- How has water availability been affected by human habitation in my environment?
Below are a few suggested GLOBE Protocols that will help you explore answers to the Water and Life Guiding Investigative Question.
- Air Temperature
- Relative Humidity
- Mosquito Larvae
- Nitrates
- SMAP Soil Moisture
- Freshwater Macroinvertebrates
- pH
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Freshwater Macroinvertebrates
Here is a list of some good resources that you might use to teach about this guiding investigative question.