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  • 7632 Data Entries
  • 15 Honor Rolls


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2021 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Study the reasons why fig trees are not flowering in the village of Al-Dhawehria (Dhank State)


A study of the reasons for the non-growth of the henna plant (LAWSONIA INERMIS) in Al-Saada neighborhood at the same rate as it grows in Al-Dhawairiyah district


Study the Reasons Behind the Intensity of Plants Growth in Fida Village in Comparison with AlDwahriya Village (Wilayat of Dank)


دراسة العوامل المسببة إلى عدم نضج ثمار الليمون في منطقة الخضاري (بولاية ضنك)


study the causes of wild berries plant (frside) growth stopped and withered stems and leaves in the wilaayet of Dhank (al-nahdah distric)



2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The difference between the characteristics of water samples of (Al-Dhowaihiriya) and (Fida) villages, and its effect on the growth of radish and soil

2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

A Study of the Properties of Water Sources and their suitability for agriculture in Al Dhowaihiriya Village in Wilayat Dhank

2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The effect of Masarat water on the growth of wild berries plants in Al-Nahdhah neighbourhood

2019 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Reasons Behind the Intensity of Plants Growth in Fida Village in Comparison with AlDwahriya Village (Wilayat of Dank)

The Reasons behind Lack of Maturity of Lemon Tree Fruits in AlDwahriya Village (Wilayat of Dank)

2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The Effect of Using Pesticides ( DELTARIN ) on plant grows and the nature of Agricultural soil