News - Elizabeth City State University Partnership
Invitation to Join the U.S. Partner Forum
GLOBE partners in the Northwest and Northeast & Mid-Atlantic regions are encouraged to apply to join the United States Partner Forum.
The GLOBE U.S. Partner Forum was established to provide a forum for direct dialogue with the federal sponsor of GLOBE (NASA) and other supporting agencies (i.e., the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA], and the U.S. Department of State [DoS]), with a focus on issues and opportunities of specific interest to the United States.
The functions of the Forum are to:
- Seek, compile, and provide insight into the issues and opportunities of GLOBE implementation and systematic incorporation of GLOBE into formal and informal education in the U.S.
- Develop topical or issue papers when appropriate.
- Identify and deliberate on topics, events, or opportunities of interest to GLOBE U.S. partners.
- Share relevant information and knowledge to promote increased participation in and overall effectiveness of GLOBE within the U.S.
- Act as a conduit for two-way information exchange with the broader U.S. GLOBE community (or respective geographic area) and the specific constituencies (e.g., elementary and secondary, pre-service, and informal education, assessment, education administration, etc.).
If you are interested in participating in this forum, learn more about the forum and submit an application, including a two-page resume/CV. Deadline for submission is 15 December.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office