Estonian Learning Expedition - Estonian Learning Expedition
School / Data Site Locations
GLOBE Educators
SCHOOL at a Glance

- 475 Students
- 20 Educators
- 0 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 927 Data Entries
- 7 Honor Rolls
School Badges
2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Mesoplastic and Microplastic pollution in the River Emajõgi area
Variations in the Atmospheric Measurement Data of Different Weather Stations in Tartu
Effects of mowing on biodiversity in parks of Tartu
Land cover measurements and biodiversity in Vabaduse puiestik, Tartu, Estonia
Impact of urban environment features on the microclimates of Tartu
Soil samples from the bank of Emajõgi and the park of Ülejõe
The effect of urban environment on the River Emajõgi
Human impact on the water quality of River Emajõgi