GLOBE Side Navigation

Country Reports

Below, you will find all the Country Reports available for the countries of the Europe and Eurasia region. To access them, simply click on the country name below the year you are interested in reading.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us at


2023 Country Reports

Click on the name of each country to access the annual report for that country during this period. 

 Belgium  Kyrgyz Republic
 Croatia  Latvia
 Czech Republic  Lithuania
 Estonia  Malta
 Finland  Netherlands
 France  Republic of North Macedonia
 Georgia  Portugal
 Germany  Slovakia
 Greece  Slovenia
 Ireland  Switzerland
 Italy  Ukraine


For the overview of the Region's activities and all countries' annual reports see: 2023 Country Reports Booklet


2022 Country Reports

Click on the name of each country to access the annual report for that country during this period. 

 Armenia  Israel


 Croatia  Latvia
 Cyprus  Lithuania
 Czech Republic  Malta
 Estonia  Netherlands
 Finland  Republic of North Macedonia
 France  Portugal
 Georgia  Slovakia
 Germany GLOBE Deutschland  Slovenia
 Germany UoC  Switzerland
 Greece  Ukraine

For the overview of the Region activities and all countries annual reports see: 2022 Country Reports Booklet


2021 Country Reports

2021 Country Reports Booklet


2020 Country Reports

2020 Country Reports Booklet


2019 Country Reports

2019 Country Reports Booklet


2018 Country Reports

2018 Country Reports Booklet


2017 Country Reports

2017 Country Reports Booklet


2016 Country Reports

2016 Country Reports Booklet