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The Best of GLOBE Europe & Eurasia

The GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Regional Office invites students, teachers, coordinators, scientists, trainers, and all GLOBE friends to "The Best of GLOBE Europe & Eurasia," a virtual event showcasing student research and community impact.

Share your GLOBE activities and inspire others with your impactful work.
See the best of GLOBE students' research and community projects across Europe and Eurasia.


Save the dates February 4-5.

  • The showcase will be held online in English and is open to a broad audience.
  • Registration will be open from December 1
  • We will keep you updated as the event gets closer.  


What you will see 

  • Students presenting GLOBE projects in the form of presentations, videos and songs
  • Scientists and experts giving feedback to the projects, 
  • Students talking about the impact GLOBE had on their lives, 
  • Regional Office announcing winners in the awarding categories (see the flyer below). 
  • The sessions will be divided according to the student age group, so you can select which session you want to attend.
  • The language of the project and the conference presentation is English



  • GLOBE materials and tools 
  • Scholarship of 400 EUR per team to attend a GLOBE event (to be specified in December) 


Overall criteria for the presented project 

  • Clearly linked to GLOBE activities
  • Has a scientific and environmental aspect
  • Communicates not only HOW it has been done, but also WHY and WHAT environmental and community benefits it brings
  • The activities described were done from March 2024 onwards
  • A presentation should be a max of 5 minutes, a video max of 1 minute.
  • Submitted from December 1 to December 31
  • The language of the project and the conference presentation is English


Download the Information flyer (pdf)



GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region Coordination Office:  



Event Topics: Science Symposia and Fairs Webinars

Events origin: Europe and Eurasia
