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GLOBE Program offers amazing tools, opportunities and experience. Perhaps so many that you may have missed some of them. GLOBE Slice communication was started by Europe and Eurasia Regional Office to highlight the most useful tools and good practices to the country coordinators community. The aim is to support coordinators in their daily work with teachers and other GLOBE members. Some of the topics may come handy to teachers and trainers as well.


GLOBE Teams: Connect school community to GLOBE activities

You can invite anybody to collect data and interact together as a team – GLOBE has a tool that allows each member to see what data the other team members collected.


Why to work with a GLOBE team?

  • You can invite students, families and citizen scientists to join your GLOBE school team using your school's private referral code.

  • You can create teams for specific student groups and organize a competition or challenge.

  • Teams can be used to coordinate a community’s citizen science efforts and to involve other communities to GLOBE, such as company employees or volunteer groups.


A team may be open to anyone or it may be restricted to those who are invited to join (through a referral code). The private teams are often based in a community, such as an after-school program, museum club, or corporate team. Open teams will be visible to all users. Every team has a team page on the GLOBE website.

Try to form a GLOBE Team, it is easy! Find out how to do that:

GLOBE Statistics: Find the data about GLOBE in your country

Did you ever look for the number of trained people? Or the amount of Clouds data collected by schools last year? There are so many metrics available! As a CC you can make use of these in many ways, for example:

A: I need statistics about GLOBE in my country to report to donors (1 and 2)

B: I plan to contact teachers who have never been trained and invite them to a workshop. (3)

C: I want to see who are the most active schools/teachers. (1 and 4)

D: I want to evaluate how successful was a campaign or challenge that I prepared for schools/citizen scientists, I want to see increase in data collected. (4 and 5)


Where I will find what:

  1. The cumulative number of schools/teachers/students/citizen scientist/honor rolls/GLOBE Stars/data entered in my country: go to Country Page (and scroll down to Country in Glance)
  2. Number of schools/teachers/students/trainers/citizen scientist/honor rolls/GLOBE Stars/data entered/workshops changing over time: go to Impact and Metrics
  3. Details about trained status in my GLOBE community (number of new account requests/not yet trained teachers/e-trained people/participants of workshops/new citizen scientists: go to Partner Dashboard (Sign in, go to Manage - Partner Dashboard)
  4. How many schools in my country are active or have been active in past: go to School Status Report Tool (Sign in, go to Manage - School Status Reports)
  5. How many data were collected for particular protocol in my country over certain time: ADAT  (Apply the filter and click on download summary data that shows you the number of sites/schools/data counts)

Video-tutorial on Metrics and Reporting (created some time back)

Certificates and Badges: Teachers love even the small signs of recognition

Recognition of our work is important to all of us. Teachers are no different: We have learned that they love even the smallest signs of recognition, such as a “thank you” email, certificate or badge. Why is that?

  1. It helps them to advertise GLOBE related activities towards school management, colleagues and parents and get more support from them.
  2. It serves as a proof of their ongoing professional development.
  3. Certificates, badges and thank you emails could be easily forwarded and shared with other people involved (students, school community, sponsors).

GLOBE Program has ready-made certificates that you can adapt (in PowerPoint) and send out to teachers. It allows you to fill in your own text and signature and at the same time keep the “global” look of the certificate. Download a template here:

Badges are awarded to schools that join international campaign or submit a project for IVSS. The badges can be seen on a school page in About and Contact tab, like here: . Individuals receive a badge for participation in data entry challenge and international meeting, these can be found on a member´s profile page: