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Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLACES)
Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLACES) aims to assist and reward the implementation of inquiry-based, experiential science education where students do science and contribute to understanding of our natural world.
Through recognition and financial reward programs, Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists assists and rewards the implementation of inquiry-based, experiential science education where students do science and contribute to understanding of our environment. Grants range from support for taking simple measurements to teacher professional development and working for pervasive inclusion of student research projects in science teaching.
Additionally, support is provided for prizes recognizing student achievement and effective teaching; needed infrastructure for contributing, storing, and sharing data and methods; and for science fairs that assess student work.
YLACES works in partnership with others seeking to advance a vision of effective science education and give voice to the communities and organizations that implement youth learning through environmental citizen science.
The Youth Environmental Science (YES) Medal is awarded annually.
YLACES sponsors scholarship awards and prizes for outstanding student environmental science research projects.
YLACES makes grants to help those implementing youth environmental citizen science and research projects.
YLACES is exploring grants to organizations that support youth environmental citizen science and partnerships with youth serving organizations.
Find out more YLACES, but visiting their website.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office