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Monika Schwarzová Elementary school Blatné Remety

Monika Schwarzová, modified 6 Days ago.
Youngling Posts: 4 Join Date: 10/13/21 Recent Posts
Carbon activity 2 - Carbon around me
The students worked in groups and with the Internet. They found that ......
Carbon is a biogenic element with an average presence of 18.0% in the human body. The source of carbon for living nature is atmospheric carbon dioxide CO2, which plant organisms convert into organic compounds during photosynthesis.
Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere by being released from soil, water, microbial decomposition of organisms, respiration and combustion of organic substances. By oxidizing organic substances, a person obtains the energy necessary for the activity of each cell, as well as thermal, light, electrical energy necessary for work activities. It is used in fire extinguishers.
The human body of an adult contains 12.6 kg of carbon, it is a part of every organic compound. Metabolic processes in the human body provide the necessary amount of carbon atoms for the synthesis of organic substances, which are constantly formed in the cells of the body.
Excess carbon atoms are released from the body mainly through carbon dioxide, released during the oxidative breakdown of nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins).
They plotted their findings on a map according to:


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