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Spring Tree Campaign goes on!

Lenka Kleger, modified 4 Years ago.
Jedi Council Member Posts: 87 Join Date: 7/27/17 Recent Posts
Dear all,

We are aware that schools in many countries have been temporarily closed due to a coronavirus disease outbreak and for some of you it might be complicated to continue the campaign activities.

However, the Spring Tree Observation Campaign goes on!

Here are some tips, how to continue:
  • Use campaign activities as a basis for students' independent homework.
  • Communicate with students and other schools online using Skype or cloud storages.
  • Take photos with GrowApp (if you had problems with Android download, click here).
  • Share photos and results through this forum. Thanks to everyone who has already shared their posts!

More spring campaign activities and tips will follow in the newsletter next week.

I wish this strange and unusual situation to be an opportunity to explore new possibilities and ways of cooperation and that we come out of it healthy and wiser.



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