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Flowering of daffodils as indicator for spring

Arnold van Vliet, modified 4 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 16 Join Date: 1/17/14 Recent Posts
It is really great to see all the activity in the Spring 2021 group! Nice to be able to see the development of spring in all those locations.
A wonderful element of spring are the many flower bulbs like daffodils. I started a GrowApp series to follow the development of a field of daffodils close to my home on 29 October 2016 and made 66 photo's of the spot. Now it is nice to compare the different years. Below you see clearly that last year, 2020, was a very early year. The average of January and February was 6.7 degrees Celsius. This year it is 'only' 3.8. Fifty years ago it 1.5 degrees was normal for the Netherlands. I'm looking forward to the moment the really start to flower. You can follow the developments via GrowApp of course ;-) https://growapp.today/#/?activePhoto=86186&activePhotoSet=1125&fullScreen=true 
​​​​​​​Kind regards, Arnold van Vliet, Biologist Wageningen University, the Netherlands.


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