Events - Fort Hays State University
The State of Trees: Trees and Their Impact on Carbon Storage and Surface Temperature—A Comparative Student Research Study
Event Time: 5:00 pm UTC - 6:00 pm UTC
Location: Online
This webinar, the 80th monthly webinar for the State of Trees Campaign, features a student research collaboration between GLOBE students and educators in Argentina at the National University (UN) of Comahue and in the United States at the University of Texas (UT) at Tyler. Students in both locations will share how they collaborated to research the impact of trees on carbon storage and surface temperature.
The students at both locations focused on questions such as:
- How much carbon do urban trees store on the UN Comahue and UT Tyler campuses?
- How does carbon stock per square meter and tree biomass vary between the campuses?
- Are there differences in height and carbon storage between native forests, urban forests, parks, and campuses?
- How do trees and cloud cover influence surface temperature moderation?
- Are there differences between field and satellite tree height measurements
Also, during this webinar, computer engineering students at the
SNJB's Late Sau. K. B. Jain College of Engineering in India will
present the research project "GLOBE Cloud Data Explorer:
Insights from Citizen Science Observations Using the GLOBE API,"
which uses the GLOBE API and Python-based data analysis to explore
environmental parameters recorded by citizen scientists. The system
enables users to fetch and analyze both individual GLOBE Observer data
and collective GLOBE team observations, offering insights into the
frequency, distribution, and trends of recorded sky conditions. This
presentation will set the stage for the May 2025 campaign webinar
where we will have students across GLOBE present their 2025 IVSS
research projects.
Events origin: GLOBE Implementation Office