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10 October: National Water Quality Monitoring Council Webinar on Lake Monitoring

Photo of people engaged in lake monitoring

On Wednesday, 10 October, at 3:00 p.m. EST, the National Water Quality Monitoring Council will be hosting a webinar on lake monitoring.  

Volunteers collecting lake data is one of the oldest forms of aquatic citizen science in the United States with programs starting in 1970. Lake monitoring is a great example of community-lab partnerships with volunteers playing diverse roles in collecting and analyzing water quality samples. This webinar will highlight two lake volunteer monitoring programs, their protocols, community case stories, and examples of data use.

The speakers for this webinar are:

  • Mary Skopec, Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
  • Tony Thorpe, Lakes of Missouri Volunteer Program

Iowa Lakeside Laboratory:

Lakes of Missouri Volunteer Program:

To register for this webinar, click here.

Event Topics: Campaigns and Projects (IOPs, etc) type: globe-events

Events origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
