Events - Gidakiimanaaniwigamig (Our Earth Lodge) - Nat'l Cntr for Earth-surface Dynamics
12 October: 2023 International Virtual Science Symposium Informational Webinar
Event Time: 12:00 pm ET - 12:30 pm ET
Location: Webinar
The GLOBE Program is hosting the 2023 International Virtual Science Symposium. The IVSS is a way for primary through undergraduate students from all GLOBE countries to showcase their research. With GLOBE, students learn the practices of science through hands-on investigations in their own communities, which sparks their curiosity and interest in science. This often leads to inquiries that help solve real-world problems and further understanding of our global environment.
The theme for the 2023 IVSS is “Global Connections: Investigating Earth as A System Together.” Engineering Solutions for a Changing Climate.” Students are encouraged to use, and explore, the Earth as a System Protocol Bundles as tools to investigate their environmental issue – and to present their research in creative ways (such as through storytelling tools including video, online media, storyboards, drawings, and more.)
IVSS Informational Webinar: 12 October
The GLOBE Implementation Office will be hosting an informational webinar about the 2023 IVSS on Wednesday, 12 October, at 10:00 a.m. MDT (12:00 p.m. EDT/04:00 p.m. UTC). During the webinar, participants will learn “what” a report involves and “how” to submit a report, and about this year’s theme. There will also be a “chat” available, through which participants can ask questions. (To submit questions prior to the webinar, please send an email to
To join the webinar on 12 October, click here.
Additional Dates to Keep in Mind:
- Reports Accepted: 01 January through 10 March 2023
- Due Date for Student Reports: 10 March
- Judging Webinar: 29 March
- Judging Period: 30 March through 09 April
- Feedback and Virtual Badges Shared: Earth Day, 22 April
- Drawing for Stipends: Earth Day, 22 April
For more information on the 2023 IVSS, click here!
Event Topics: WebinarsEvents origin: GLOBE Implementation Office