Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums


The information on GLOBE.gov includes postings and content provided by GLOBE members. This site provides and hosts this information solely for our users' information and convenience. With the thousands of documents and postings occurring, we cannot guarantee that there will be no errors or inappropriate comments. We make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this Web site and expressly disclaim liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this Web site. Please refer to the usage Terms and Conditions and remember Your Responsibilities before posting any information to our forums.  Please report any inappropriate information or posting to GLOBE.

Message Boards

There are no threads or categories.
  • Best practices and tips

    This discussion category is for sharing experiences and lessons you have learned when you've worked with students or teachers.
    0 Categories 2 Threads
  • Early Career

    Early Career STEM Professionals can use this thread to network with other EC members. All members may post career advice and resources on this thread.
    0 Categories 2 Threads
  • GISN Webinar Discussions

    This forum category is for discussion of GISN webinars.
    0 Categories 2 Threads
  • Meeting Meet-Up

    Are you attending a scientific conference or meeting? Use this thread to let other GISN members where you'll be and organize an informal meet-up!
    0 Categories 1 Thread
  • Member introductions

    For all members of the GISN, please post a thread in this category about yourself and why you have joined the network, including your job title/role as the subject. Please feel free to share what you hope to get out of the network as well, so that we can do our best to maintain this network so that it is for the benefit of its members.
    0 Categories 4 Threads
  • Resources

    Want to find or provide career advice, networking advice, advice on navigating conferences? Can also post job or funding opportunities, or advice on how to find job or funding opportunities.
    0 Categories 0 Threads
There are no threads or categories.