We had an incredible turn out at our (the GLOBE) table at the NOAA booth at the NSTA conference. It was great to meet so many teachers and curriculum directors with an interest in GLOBE. Thanks to everybody who took the time to stop by and learn about GLOBE.
For those people who did not get the Earth System Science Poster, we are very sorry. Please follow this link to get the PDF files so that you can print out the pages to use in your classroom. The page also has a complete poster that can be projected or printed, and the activities guide.
Expanding on the ESS poster concept, the My NASA Data group has created a web page that displays animations of the six measurements for the years 2005–2013. For advanced students, click the "LAS" link underneath the animation image to go to a page where the students can generate their own animations. The "Order Data" link will bring you to the associated satellite project web page. From there you can download (free of charge) the data that is used to generate the images and animations. Programs such as matlab or mathematica are able to read the netCDF format.
To the local (Massachusetts and Rhode Island) educators who were interested in training, please send me an email and/or register on this site as a teacher. We will hold at least one training in July, but if more people are interested we will hold additional trainings as needed.
For the educators who were visiting us from a distance, please visit the GLOBE Partners page to find the nearest partner.
If I was not able to answer your questions at the conference, please feel free to contact me or the GLOBE helpdesk.