The GLOBE Observer App

The GLOBE Observer App

The GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention project utilizes the GLOBE Program app, GLOBE Observer, to collect mosquito larvae observations in participating GLOBE countries. The app allows citizen scientists to train in the GLOBE Mosquito Protocol, identify disease-carrying mosquitoes, eliminate their breeding sites, and prevent future Zika outbreaks. 


The Mosquito Habitat Mapper

Prior to the GLOBE Observer app, only certified teachers and schools within GLOBE countries were able to use GLOBE protocols. Now, with GLOBE Observer, any citizen scientist in a GLOBE country is able to participate in GLOBE. Within the app, there are four protocols, including the GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper. This project will create hundreds of thousands of new mosquito larvae observations within the Mosquito Habitat Mapper!

By using GLOBE Observer, you are joining the GLOBE community and contributing important scientific data to NASA and the GLOBE Program, your local community, and students and scientists worldwide.




Learn more about the GLOBE Observer app!


Watch the GLOBE Observer App Tutorial Video (English)













​​​​​​​Vea el tutorial de GLOBE Observer App (Español)

Click here to watch on YouTube.


Download the GLOBE Observer App

Click here to download the GLOBE Observer app.

Download the Mosquito Habitat Mapper tutorial presentation

GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper Tutorial 2018