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What kind of precipitation are you getting this month?

Dorian Janney, modified 10 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 8 Join Date: 7/13/12 Recent Posts
I thought it would be fun to see the types of precipitation that different locations are experiencing in the month of January. Here is the greater Washington, D.C. region, we have been having the usual mix of rain, sleet, ice, and some snow. We haven't had much, but there have been a few delayed openings and even a snow day or two for local schools!
Christine Casey, modified 10 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 7/25/13 Recent Posts
We have been getting lots of snow in Northeast Pennsylvania!!! Choconut Valley Elementary is located in Friendsville, PA which is just south of Binghamton, NY. There is another storm on the way for the weekend. The kids have enjoyed seeing how much liquid is left when the snow inside the large rain gauge melts. They have started making friendly bets amongst each other as to how much there will be. Our custodians have been wonderful about shoveling out around our rain gauge so we can continue to access it - although I'm sure the kids would rather climb through the mountains of snow piled up around it to get to it. emoticon