GLOBE Community Annual Survey

GLOBE Annual Surveys & Reports

Strategic Plan Progress Report

In 2018, GIO shifted from the Annual Community Survey Report to the Strategic Plan Progress Report as the primary means of reporting GLOBE data. This report aligns with the 2018-2023 GLOBE Strategic Plan and monitors progress toward the 2022 performance targets. This report offers a more robust means of providing information about the GLOBE community as it draws on data from multiple sources, including the Annual Community Survey. 

Download the 2018-2022 GLOBE Strategic Plan Progress Report


GLOBE Partners Survey Trend Data Report

In 2017, GIO facilitated the development of the community-based 2018-2023 GLOBE Strategic Plan. A major focus of the planning activities was identifying performance targets based on previous years’ data. Because the majority of the survey questions from the 2017 Annual Community Survey date back to 2013, with a few dating back to 2012, this report summarizes the trend data only from the Partners Survey. It also provides baseline data for many of the performance targets in the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. 

Download the 2012-2017 GLOBE Partners Survey


GLOBE Community Annual Survey

In 2015, the GLOBE Annual Partner Survey was expanded to include questions from the Technology, Education, Science, and Evaluation Working Groups (WGs). Consequently, the name was changed to the “GLOBE Community Annual Survey.” It now includes questions targeted to teachers and scientists, in addition to U.S. Partners and Country Coordinators. Over the years, the purpose of the survey has evolved. It is now a community-oriented tool designed to gather descriptive information on activities of teachers, partners, and scientists; information that can then be used by the GIO, as well as by the WGs, in order to improve the support ultimately provided to members of the GLOBE community.

Download the 2016 GLOBE Community Annual Survey


GLOBE Annual Survey of U.S. Partners and Country Coordinators

The GLOBE Annual Partner Survey is one of the primary data-collection tools of the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO). Initially administered in 2005, this survey gathers information from GLOBE Partners (U.S. Partners and Country Coordinators) on activities related to The GLOBE Program.

Download the 2015 Summary of the U.S. Partner and Country Coordinators Annual Survey

Download the 2014 Summary of the U.S. Partner and Country Coordinators Annual Survey