Country Coordinators
Raj Mehta
Raj Mehta |
Mr. Raj Mehta was Chairman of the GLOBE International Advisory Committee (GIAC) from 2008-2011 representing the GLOBE Asia and Pacific Region, and former Country Coordinator for India. Raj Mehta received his undergraduate training in Engineering from Benaras Hindu University in Varanasi, India. He joined the Government of India Ministry of Environment & Forests in 1978 where he continues to serve to this day. Over the years, his professional development has included the study of journalism from Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan in Delhi, and Environmental Science and Technology from the International Institute of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Delft, the Netherlands. For the past 17 years, Mr. Mehta's focus at the Ministry has been the dissemination of environmental information, implementation of international interagency cooperative programs, and the creation of environmental awareness among students and the general public. Despite his many responsibilities at the Ministry, Raj makes time to oversee GLOBE in India, organizing teacher trainings and ensuring the vitality of GLOBE in schools across the Indian subcontinent. Raj Mehta is the author of many books, publications, and papers concerning the environmental impact of the mining industry, and strategies and policies for environmental education initiatives. He lives in Delhi with his wife Anita and sons Mayank and Pranav. |