Hanisui - Hanisui
School / Data Site Locations
GLOBE Educators
SCHOOL at a Glance

- 65 Students
- 4 Educators
- 0 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 471 Data Entries
- 0 Honor Rolls
Located in the center of West Jerusalem, in close proximity to the Old City of Jerusalem, The Hanisui Elementary and High School operates in the spirit of open experimental education.
The elementary school has just under 500 students, in classes from kindergarten to sixth grade. Almost 500 students attend the Hanisui High School from seventh to twelfth grade.
Education at the Hanisui School, is based on an organizational and pedagogical structure and philosophy supporting and enhancing personal growth and development. By recognizing student variances, it offers flexibility in the educational program to fit student’s needs.
Teaching methodology is varied and creative, providing a dialogue of constant and consistent reflective evaluation adapted to students personal, intellectual and developmental requirements.
This school year 2017-2018 we will focus on three main fields:
Atmosphere - We will enter Integrated Atmosphere Data every day including cloud monitoring
Biosphere, Phenology - We will follow the growth of a fig tree that will be planted in our schools garden
Biosphere, Hydrology - We will research a 2000+ year old man maid winter pool located in the middle of Jerusalem. and track the living organisms - Animals & Plants - that are in the pool. Partners for a collaborative research in this field are more than welcome to contact us.