
Asset Publisher

July Tech Update: New Features and Improvements to GLOBE Systems
A large number of system and security upgrades have been made to GLOBE tech over the past month along with the addition of some new features on the horizon. The GLOBE Observer app has been updated, a new eTraining support area is in progress, and changes are being made to the The new desktop data entry forms.  >>

NASA GPM 10-in-10 Webinar Series: Remote Sensing
The sixth of the NASA “GPM 10-in-10” anniversary webinars will take place on 11 July and will focus on “remote sensing.” Join this webinar to gain an understanding about how and why we use satellites to help us better understand and protect our home planet.  >>

North America Phenology Campaign: Register Now for Fall 2024
The North America Phenology Campaign focuses on monitoring and reporting plant phenology data to help validate the timing of the plant growing season. In this campaign, students will observe and report plant green-down, have opportunities to meet scientists, and collaborate with other students.  >>

GLOBE and Natural Inquirer Crosswalk Project: Stipends Available for U.S. Educators
Educators and pre-service teachers in the United States can earn money this summer by contributing to the GLOBE and Natural Inquirer Crosswalk Project. Stipends of $150 are available for contributions that show connections between the two programs.  >>

The State of Trees – July 2024. Live from the 2024 GLOBE Annual Meeting: What does it mean to satellite match tree height and land cover?
Join us live from the 2024 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Fredonia, New York, U.S.A., as we present and discuss the importance of matching space-based satellite tree height and land cover data, from missions like ICESat-2, GEDI, and Landsat, to the ground-based GLOBE tree height and land cover observations.  >>

NASA and Montenegro Sign GLOBE Agreement
The Montenegro Minister of Education, Science, and Innovation and the U.S. Ambassador signed the GLOBE Agreement between the Ministry and NASA at a signing ceremony in Montenegro’s capital city of Podgorica on 11 June 2024.    >>

GLOBE Mission Mosquito Webinar: Braiding Indigenous Ways of Knowing with Western STEM
Join the GLOBE program’s Mission Mosquito and Land Cover team for a professional development webinar on Tuesday, 25 June, at 2 p.m. ET (18:00 UTC).    >>

Space Station Receives/Sends Pet Photos Using NASA’s Laser Relay System
Through the GLOBE Observer app, NASA collects pet pictures captured in citizen science observations. Those photos will be transmitted over laser communications links to the Space Station this summer during a NASA SCaN (Space Communications and Navigation) technology demo. Read about the May demo in a recent NASA article.  >>

Celebrating World Ocean's Day and Month
On 3 June, GLOBE was joined by researchers from UCAR's Center for Ocean Leadership to discuss the role of the ocean in the global climate, current research into ocean-climate connections, and how GLOBE data supports understanding more about the world's oceans.  >>

Updates on the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) Transition from the NASA GLOBE Program Office (GPO)
Following the announcement from GLOBE federal sponsors on the outcome of the GIO cooperative agreement competition on 17 April, 2024, GPO, UCAR GIO, the new GIO team from both the Education Development Center (EDC) and The City University of New York (CUNY), GLOBE Data and Information System (DIS), the GLOBE Observer team, and GLOBE federal co-sponsors have all been hard at work to plan and execute the GIO transition. The overarching goal of the transition activities is for the new GIO team (EDC and CUNY) to understand how various GIO functional groups have operated over the years. This ensures necessary continuity and knowledge transfer to facilitate EDC and CUNY’s planning of the programmatic support they will provide for GLOBE’s worldwide community given their vision.  >>