Hull Prairie Intermediate School - Hull Prairie Intermediate School
School / Data Site Locations
SCHOOL at a Glance
- 25 Students
- 3 Educators
- 0 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 59 Data Entries
- 0 Honor Rolls
School Badges
2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
How Do the Surface and Air Temperatures Compare between the School Prairie and the Parking Lot?
How Does the Surface Temperature Compare between the School Prairie and the Bioswale?
How Do the Surface and Soil Temperatures Compare between the School Prairie and the Playground?
How Does the Surface Temperature Compare between the School Prairie and under the Swings?
How Does the Surface Temperature Compare between the School Prairie and the Gaga-Ball Pit?
How Does the Surface Temperature Compare between the School Prairie and the Bioswale?
How Does the Soil Temperature Compare between the School Prairie and a Back Yard?
How Does the Soil Temperature Compare between the School Prairie and the Bioswale?
How Does the Soil and Surface Temperature Compare Between the School Prairie and the Bioswale?
How Does the Soil Temperature Compare Between the School Prairie and the Gaga-Ball Pit