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Water Transparency

Asset Publisher


Students will first measure water transparency at their undisturbed study site using a transparency tube or Secchi disk.

Protocols to help in completion of the main protocol.

Asset Publisher

Hydrosphere protocols introduction document.
Students will construct a secchi disk to measure water transparency.
Instructions are provided on how to select, describe and map a hydrosphere study site.
Students will first measure water transparency at their undisturbed study site using a transparency tube or Secchi disk.

Activities to help students learn more about the instruments and protocols.

Asset Publisher

Introduction document to the Hydrosphere Investigation Area Learning Activities.
Students will make a 3-dimensional model of a catchment basin to understand how water moves through the basin and explore how water is affected when there are changes in the basin.
Students will model the changes in soil water storage over a year.
In the classroom, students practice using the instruments or kits for protocols, exploring the range of measurements and sources of variation and error.
Students will investigate how they use their senses for observation and why we use instruments to collect data.
Students become acquainted with their Hydrosphere Study Site.

Additional documents or tools related to the protocol.