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Globe At A Glance

SCHOOL at a Glance

  • 50 Students
  • 3 Educators
  • 0 Pre-service Teachers
  • 0 GLOBE Observers
  • 2372 Data Entries
  • 1 Honor Roll


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About the School

2023 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

مدى فاعلية إعادة استخدام ورق الطباعة كسماد

2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium


The effectiveness of using coffee residues to fertilize the soil to Corn planting in Ibri Governorate


2019 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The Effectiveness of water reuse of air conditioners in agriculture in the willayat of Ibri

2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The Effect of gray water On soil properties and Plant growth

2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The effect of using Neem leaf powder in the treatment of gray wastewater and well water


School Badges

2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Impact of using basin algae as biocidal on Abri state farms