SUNY Fredonia - IRST Partner - Institute for Research in Science Teaching
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GLOBE Summary
Institute for Research in Science Teaching
About The Org
What is Happening ......
IRST’s main focus continues to be the infusion of GLOBE into classrooms across our region through our ongoing partnerships. The introduction of GLOBE into classrooms has been an outgrowth of the use of GLOBE in our pre-service teacher education program and having the trained preservice teachers serve as ambassadors of GLOBE in classrooms across our region.
We focus a great deal on building the understanding of the preservice teachers of the role that GLOBE plays both in the development of their content knowledge as well as their knowledge of how to engage young scientists in their classrooms. The content portion of this work has led to a highly enrolled Earth System Science course built around GLOBE and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Additionally, we have partnered with Larisa Schelkin from the Global STEM Education Center to offer sessions for the UNITAR Science Diplomacy Program based on the tenets of this course.
We have expanded the use of GLOBE Observer to help teachers address the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) as well as a way to give students experience in science research in a way that scientists would. We expanded our Regional Climate Network, providing GLOBE schools with snow and frost-tube protocols. We continue to partner with NOAA and the NOAA B-WET grant program across our region & New York State.
As we continue to support GLOBE teachers and classrooms, several schools are planning to use the Student Research Symposium model with a local SRS occurring on our campus in Fall 2023 with hopes of students submitting to the IVSS and Regional SRS in Spring 2024.
We would love to have you join forces with us as we expand our work, so PLEASE email us and let us know you want to join forces!
Building Data Literacy One “Block” at a Time. National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Kansas City, MO (November, 2023)
Connecting Students with Locally-Led Sustainability and Development Partners for Virtual Projects and Digital Badges. 29th ICDE World Conference – Joining Hands in Peace for the Futures of Education.. International Council for Open and Distance Education. San Juan, Costa Rica (November, 2023).
Cross-Campus Discussions in Teacher Preparation. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 128th Annual Meeting, Syracuse, NY. (November, 2023).
Scaling SDG Project Challenges across the State University of New York (SUNY). American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Meeting. Global Challenges - Conference on Global Learning. Washington, DC (October, 2023)
Preparing for Totality! PDS Consortium 2023 Conference Buffalo, NY (September, 2023)
Next Generation Diplomacy: The Journey of UN General Assembly President’s Fellows and UNITAR Global Diplomacy Fellows (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September, 2023)
Shaping the Future of Global Diplomacy: Insights from UNITAR Fellows and Teaching Faculty (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September, 2023)
The GLOBE Program – an international science and education program that cultivates the next generation of STEM professionals and science diplomacy (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September, 2023)
The GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN): Advancing Earth Science Education and Contributing to the UN SDGs through Open Science. (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September, 2023)
Environmental Science Diplomacy Through Education: The Power of Knowledge and Collaboration in Addressing Global Environmental Challenges & the UN SDGs (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September, 2023)
Open Science, Data, and AI: Enabling Global Collaboration for Scientific Advancement (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September, 2023)
From Closed to Open: Introducing Dryad and the Era of Open Science. Fredonia Teaching and Learning Conference. Fredonia, NY (August, 2023)
From Local Implementation to Global Impact: GLOBE's Role in Achieving SDGs through Environmental Science Diplomacy at the UN General Assembly Science Summit . (invited) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (July, 2023)
A3SAT as a Platform for Remote Sensing. (invited) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (July, 2023)
AREN Project – A STEM Model Implementing Open Science. (invited) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (July, 2023)
Building Global Citizenship through Environmental Science Diplomacy: Professional Development Opportunities for NASA GLOBE Teachers. (invited) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (July, 2023)
Great Lakes Student Research Campaign: Engaging Students and Teachers in Authentic Watershed Studies (invited) International Association for Great Lakes Research 66th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Toronto, Ontario (May, 2023)
Placed-Based Citizen Science Education: Telling Your Story (invited) 2023 Citizen Science Association Conference, C*Sci 2023. Tempe, AZ (May, 2023)
AI and Diplomacy: Challenges and Opportunities UN General Assembly President Fellowship - Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development Programme. (April, 2023)
Environmental Science Diplomacy through Education. UN General Assembly President Fellowship - Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development Programme. (April, 2023)
Are You "Open" to Citizen Science? National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Atlanta, GA (March, 2023)
ADVizE: Building STEM Pre-Service Teachers' Data Literacy Skills and Pedagogy with My NASA Data. National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Atlanta, GA (March, 2023)
Go Upstream: Preservice Future of Data Literacy (invited). 2023 SXSW EDU Conference & Festival. Austin, TX (March, 2023)
Engaging STEM Educators and students through Environmental Science Diplomacy, UN Sustainable Development Goals and Virtual Collaboration (invited). The 2nd International Conference on Global Academia in New Normal. New Yor, NY (February, 2023)
Community Connections. Science Teachers Association of New York State Mini-Conference. Buffalo, NY (January, 2023)
NASA GLOBE Clouds: Celebrating over one million satellite matches to citizen science ground observations befitting students, educators, communities, and scientists. 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (January, 2023).
The AREN Project as a Platform for Atmospheric Investigation. American Meteorological Society. 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (January, 2023).
“Launch and Learn" - Using Instrumented Kites for Environmental Observations (invited). American Geophysical Union National Meeting. Chicago, IL (December, 2022).
Building OSM Into the Elementary Classroom (Invited) Mapping USA – Open StreetMap USA Conference. Virtual (November, 2022)
Communicating the Value of International Collaborations Through Science and Engineering Diplomacy. 25th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education: Connecting Engineering with the Humanities. Kingston, RI (November, 2022)
Building a Generation of Solutionaries in Our Science Classrooms. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 127th Annual Meeting, Syracuse, NY. (November, 2022).
Preservice Teacher Preparation in Science Institute (Invited). Science Teachers Association of New York State, 127th Annual Meeting, Syracuse, NY. (November, 2022).
Recruiting, Engaging, Educators and Students through Environmental Science Diplomacy, UN SDGs and virtual collaboration. (invited) North American Regional Meeting – NASA GLOBE. Boulder, CO (November, 2022)
Introducing Low Altitude Imagery and Remotely Sensed Data into the MS/HS Curriculum. (invited) 2022 Annual Conference, National Council for Geographic Education. Minneapolis, MN (October, 2022).
Bring Kites to Your STEM Classroom with NASA AREN (Invited). School Science and Math Association Convention, Bozeman, MT (October, 2022)
Build a Pixel With 50 Years Of Landsat To Share An Important Story or Memory. 22nd William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium (Pecora 22). Denver, CO (October,2022).
Empowering Young Professionals to Become Global Leaders Attaining the United Nations SDGs: UNITAR GDI and The UN PGA’s HOPE Fellows. (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September, 2022)
The GLOBE Program – an international science and education program that fosters the next generation of STEM professionals and science. (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September, 2022)
Integration of Citizen/Community Science PDS Consortium 2022 Conference Buffalo, NY (September, 2022)
GLOBE Enters the Critical Zone (invited). GLOBE Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO (July, 2022)
Connecting Diverse Audiences to K-5 Elementary GLOBE (invited). GLOBE Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO (July, 2022)
Communicating GLOBE Science in Through Science Diplomacy (invited). GLOBE Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO (July, 2022)
Development of a Citizen Science Monitoring Program for Lake Erie Tributaries.(invited) State of Lake Erie Conference. Cleveland, OH (March, 2022)
Activities to Promote Data Literacy and Apply Math to Real-World Issues Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 69th Annual Conference, Rochester, NY (November, 2021).
State of Our World: Data-Rich Lessons on Earth and Human Activities Science Teachers Association of New York State, 126th Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY. (November, 2021).
Getting Outside with GLOBE. New York State Outdoor Education Conference. (November, 2021).
Numbers, Graphs & Maps - Data and Data Visualization in the Science Classroom. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 126th Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY. (November, 2021).
UNEP Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-6), SDGS, Science Diplomacy and NASA GLOBE NASA GLOBE. UNITAR Global Diplomacy Initiative programme. New York, NY (October/November, 2021
Sociocultural, Political and Transdisciplinary Challenges and Solutions of ESD Implementation University Global Coalition Annual Meeting. (September 2021)
What is Earth System Science(ESS)? PDS Consortium 2021 Conference Buffalo, NY (September, 2021)
Engaging GLOBE students with STEM. (invited). GLOBE Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (July, 2021)
Transforming GLOBE Professional Development with Participant Observers (invited). GLOBE Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (July, 2021)
Engaging College Students in GLOBE through University Courses. (invited). GLOBE Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (July, 2021)
GLOBE Data + Pre-service Teachers --> Working to Build Data Literacy in STEM Teaching from the Ground Up. (invited) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (July, 2021)
Improving Pre-service Teachers’ Data Literacy and Computational Thinking Using Earth Data in Existing Methods Courses. Earth Educators Rendezvous 2021. Northfield, MN (July, 2021)
Education for Sustainable Development – Integration of the UN SDGs with Human Interaction ESRI Education GIS Conference. San Diego, CA (July, 2021)
A3Sat: to Observe the Earth and Visualize the Future. NSTA STEM Forum & Expo. National Science Teachers Association. Detroit, MI (July, 2021)
Get It Together: Data Collaborations from Singular to Systems. CitSciVirtual. International Conference Citizen Science Association. (May, 2021)
Using GIS to Create and Monitor Citizen Science Projects. CitSciVirtual. International Conference Citizen Science Association. (May, 2022)
Designing Citizen Science Programs and Classroom Participation for Data Literacy Outcomes. CitSciVirtual. International Conference Citizen Science Association. (May, 2021)
The Integration of Youth-led Citizen Science to Hydrologic Monitoring. 64th Annual Conference International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR). Houghton, MI (May, 2021)
Integrating Geospatial Technologies Across the Science Curriculum. National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Chicago, IL (April, 2021)
NASA & NOAA Meets NYSSLS. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 125th Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY. (November, 2020).
No Avoiding the Science Practices with Citizen Science Research and Field Investigations! National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Boston, MA (April, 2020)
Learning About Our Place From Above National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Boston, MA (April, 2020)
Engaging Undergraduate Students in Authentic Science through the GLOBE Program American Geophysical Union National Meeting. San Francisco, CA (December, 2019)
Lessons with Potential from Teachers with Potential. Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 69th Annual Conference, Rochester, NY (November, 2019)
Let’s Explore the Human-Made Landscape. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 124th Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY. (November, 2019).
The National Geographic Geo-Inquiry Process. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 124th Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY. (November, 2019).
Science Curriculum Options for K-5 classrooms Implementing the NYSSLS Standards. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 124th Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY. (November, 2019).
Building Toward NYSSLS Through the GLOBE Program. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 124th Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY. (November, 2019).
Use of QGIS for Geospatial Visualizations. North American Regional Meeting – NASA GLOBE (Berkley, CA October, 2019)
Integrating GIS into Classroom Practice. New York State GeoCon Syracuse, NY (September, 2019)
Science Curriculum Options. PDS Consortium 2019 Conference Buffalo, NY (September, 2019)
Integrating GLOBE Into Undergraduate Education GLOBE Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI (July, 2019)
Student Designed Instrumentation GLOBE Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI (July, 2019) Integrating Geospatial Visualization GLOBE Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI (July, 2019) Acquire-Analyze-Apply (A3) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI (July, 2019)
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Globe At A Glance
Partner at a Glance
- 11104 11104 11104 Students
- 11104 11104 807 Educators
- 11104 11104 596 Pre-service Teachers
- 11104 11104 1 GLOBE Observer
- 11104 4914 Data Entries
- 11104 222 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
- 11104 3 Honor Rolls
- 1092 2 2 Trainers
- 1092 2 1 Mentor Trainer
- 1092 1092 People Trained
- 1092 66 Workshops Held