Publications - Institute for Research in Science Teaching
2024 Presentations
- Huber, M., Heath, C. & Jabot, M. (2024) Experiential Learning and Community Partnerships for Sustainable Development: A Foundational Model for Climate Action. Routledge
- Research and Broader Impact Opportunities for Scientists Supported by Participation in the GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) (Invited). American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (December 2024)
- The GLOBE Annual Meeting Student Experience: Collaboration among a global community of students and scientists to develop an enriching summer field program (Invited). American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (December 2024)
- Developing Data Analysis Skills Using Curated GLOBE Datasets and NASA Earth Science Data (Invited). American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (December 2024)
- Expansion of the NASA AREN AeroPod Platform (Invited). American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (December 2024)
- Curated In-Situ Data in Support of Environmental Science Diplomacy – the NASA GLOBE Program. UN World Data Forum. Medellín, Colombia (November 2024)
- Global collaboration, social impact, and environmental literacy (invited) New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education. Verona, NY (November 2024)
- Environmental Science and Engineering Diplomacy, Intercultural, and Global Competencies: Must-have Skills in the 21st Century. 27th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education. Kingston, RI (November 2024)
- Starting your Career with a Growth Mindset. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 128th Annual Meeting, Syracuse, NY. (November 2024)
- Making Sense of Microplastics Science Teachers Association of New York State, 128th Annual Meeting, Syracuse, NY. (November 2024).
- GLOBE's Collaborative Data Initiatives with UNICEF, UNITAR, UNDP, UNHCR, and UNESCO: Laying the Groundwork for Global Impact (invited) GLOBE North American Regional Meeting. (October 2024)
- Innovative Professional Development for GLOBE Educators on Intercultural and Global Competencies and Building Science Diplomacy Skills (invited) GLOBE North American Regional Meeting. (October, 2024)
- GLOBE Satellites in Education Team: Creating the Next-Gen SmallSat Mission Specialists. SmallSat Education Conference. Cocoa Beach, FL (October 2024)
- A3SatPQ Emulator: An Educational Pathway to Space. SmallSat Education Conference. Cocoa Beach, FL (October 2024)
- The Role of COIL in Environmental Science Diplomacy: Fostering Sustainable Solutions. American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Meeting. Global Challenges - Conference on Global Learning. Washington, DC (October 2024)
- From Equity to Action: Addressing Climate Change with Community-Based Partners, Project Challenges (or Experiential Learning) and PEARL. American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Meeting. Global Challenges - Conference on Global Learning. Washington, DC (October 2024)
- GLOBE ... Connecting Global Issues Through a STEM Lens. (invited) 2024 Annual Conference, National Council for Geographic Education. Tempe, AZ (October 2024).
- Environmental Science Diplomacy as "Must-Have" Skills in the 21 Century. International Space Station Research & Development Conference. Boston, MA (July 2024)
- Cultivating Tomorrow's Diplomatic Leaders: UNITAR Global Diplomacy Fellows and Faculty Advancing the UN SDGs. (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September 2024)
- Shaping the Future: The GLOBE Program's Role in Advancing the UN SDGs Towards 2030 and Beyond. (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September 2024)
- Shaping the Future of Global Diplomacy: Insights from UNITAR Fellows and Teaching Faculty (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September 2024)
- Shaping the Future of Global Diplomacy: UNITAR Global Diplomacy Fellows and Faculty. (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September 2024)
- Fostering Global Engagement: Leveraging the GLOBE International STEM Network (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September 2024)
- Space Education in AFRICA: Bridging Gaps and Fostering Global Collaboration. (invited) Science Summit-United Nations General Assembly. New York, NY (September 2024)
- The “A3Sat Project” (Acquire -Analyze -Apply Using CubeSats) (invited) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Fredonia, NY (July 2024)
- Satellites and Remote Sensing Addressing Environmental Challenges Within the GLOBE Community. Collaborative. (invited) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Fredonia, NY (July 2024)
- GLOBE: Understanding Environmental Science Diplomacy through Education. (invited) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Fredonia, NY (July 2024)
- Amplifying GLOBE's Global Impact Through UNESCO Story Circle Methodology (invited) GLOBE Annual Meeting. Fredonia, NY (July 2024)
- Navigating Climate Anxiety with Resilience & Hope International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Annual Conference. Denver, CO (June 2024)
- Welcoming the GLOBE to Your World. (invited) Project Learning Tree, Project WET, Project WILD Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX (May 2024)
- Promoting Students’ Scientific Literacy through Open Science: A Collaborative Approach. Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT) Annual Conference. Buffalo, NY (May 2024).
- SUNY Fredonia Nexus: Librarian-Faculty Collaborations in Open Science, Lit Bombs, and Beyond SUNY Library Research Showcase (April 2024)
- 17 Great Ways to Connect the World to NGSS. National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Denver, CO (March 2024)
- Eco-Anxiety/How to Talk About Climate with Youth (invited). 2024 SXSW EDU Conference & Festival. Austin, TX (March 2024)
- Addressing Climate Education By Teaching With the SDGs (invited). 104th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD (January 2024).
2020 Presentations
No Avoiding the Science Practices with Citizen Science Research and Field Investigations! National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Boston, Massachusetts (April 2020).
- Learning About Our Place from Above National Science Teachers Association National Conference. Boston, Massachusetts (April 2020).
2019 Presentations
- Engaging Undergraduate Students in Authentic Science through the GLOBE Program (invited). American Geophysical Union National Meeting. San Francisco, California (December 2019).
- Let’s Explore the Human-Made Landscape. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 124th Annual Meeting, Rochester, New York (November 2019).
- The National Geographic Geo-Inquiry Process. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 124th Annual Meeting, Rochester, New York (November 2019).
- Science Curriculum Options for K-5 classrooms Implementing the NYSSLS Standards. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 124th Annual Meeting, Rochester, New York (November 2019).
- Building Toward NYSSLS Through the GLOBE Program. Science Teachers Association of New York State, 124th Annual Meeting, Rochester, New York (November 2019).
- Integrating the Geo-Inquiry Process. New York State GeoFest - Mapping Our World, Rochester, New York (October 2019).
- Use of QGIS for Geospatial Visualizations. North American Regional Meeting–NASA GLOBE, Berkley, California (October 2019).
- Integrating GIS into Classroom Practice. New York State GeoCon, Syracuse, New York (September 2019).
- Science Curriculum Options. PDS Consortium 2019 Conference, Buffalo, New York (September 2019).
- Integrating GLOBE Into Undergraduate Education GLOBE Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan (July 2019).
- Student Designed Instrumentation GLOBE Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan (July 2019).
- Integrating Geospatial Visualization GLOBE Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan (July 2019).
- Acquire-Analyze-Apply (A3) GLOBE Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan (July 2019).
- Teaching in Incredible Times. ESRI Education GIS Conference, San Diego, California (July 2019).
- Multiple Methods of Experiential Learning in Large Enrollment Courses, SUNY Purchase, Purchase, New York. (May 2019).
- Getting on Message. National Science Teachers Association National Conference, St. Louis, Missouri (April 2019).
- Putting Evidence First. National Science Teachers Association National Conference, St. Louis, Missouri (April 2019).
- Data, Data, Everywhere. National Science Teachers Association National Conference, St. Louis, Missouri (April 2019).
- Letting the Data Drive the Discovery. National Science Teachers Association National Conference, St. Louis, Missouri (April 2019).
- STEM-ulating Activities on Human Ecology. WNY STANYS Conference, Buffalo, New York (March 2019).
- Extending Data Collection and Visualization North American Regional Meeting GLOBE Program. NASA Langley, Hampton, Virginia (March 2019).