River Ecosystem Campaign

Project Dates: March 26 - May 2

GLOBE Protocols: Water Temperature and Water pH
Adjacent Activites: Ecosystem Assessment 

  1. Visual assessment of river character and health
  2. Safely take a sample of river water (see guidance)
  3. Measure water temperature and water pH, submit data to GLOBE
  4. Measure concentration of Nitrate and Phosphate
  5. Optional Ecological Assessment: Kick-Sample Activity
  6. Optional Present findings and get expert feedback

**Teacher Guidelines 2025: Download Here**

Classroom PowerPoints 
Introduction to Irish Rivers:
Download Here
Classroom Resource Overview and Sampling Methods: Download Here
Classroom Resource Optional Activities: Download Here
River Ecosystem Observation Poster (A2): Download Here

Worksheets and Datasheets
River Ecosystem Worksheet: Download Here
LAWPRO/UCC Citizen Science Stream Index (CSSI) : Download Here

Responsive Image
All particpants will receive an equipment pack containing: an immersion thermometer; pH strips and indicator charts; Nitrate and Phosphate test kits, protective gloves; a river observation chart and a river worksheet. In this campaign, you will begin by visually assessing the character and health of your local river. Please consider only your immediate surroundings.  As part of this assessment we ask that you measure or estimate the width and depth of the river. Once you have completed the initial assessment you will safely take a river water sample using a bucket and rope (not supplied). Students will use the water sample to measure the water temperature, water pH, and nutrient pollutant concentrations (Nitrate and Phosphate). There are also additional optional activities including doing an ecological assessment of your river by sampling the macroinvertebrates.
If you have any questions, please email us at globe@eeu.antaisce.org

You can also follow along on our social media accounts @GLOBEIreland on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!