Overview Air Quality Content


Welcome to the GLOBE Ireland Air Quality Campaign


The GLOBE Ireland Air Quality Campaign is a citizen-science campaign to assess traffic-related air pollution at schools. This is an educational project designed to raise awareness about air pollution, engage students in the scientific process, promote action around clean air and showcase the potential of citizen science to gather unique datasets and insights into our environment. There have been nine campaigns since 2019, with over 800 teachers registering to participate.

Each school that registers to participate in a GLOBE Ireland Air Quality campaign will receive monitoring tubes to measure nitrogen dioxide outside at their school.  The tubes are positioned at three locations at each school: one near a main road, one at a car park/drop off location and one in a relatively sheltered area. The tubes are left up for a four-week period.

You can view results from the September 2023 Air Quality Campaign by clicking here: Air Quality Map

You can view student projects be clicking here: GLOBE Ireland Student Projects and here GLOBE Ireland Air Quality Projects 2023/24

Registration for the 2024/25 Air Quality Campaign has now closed. Over 200 schools across all counties in the Republic of Ireland are measuring air quality this autumn. Good luck to all of the participants!

The following are some resources that campaign participants may find useful:

Email globe@eeu.antaisce.org for more information.

For more information, watch this short introductory video to the Air Quality Campaign.