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2023 Water Bodies Challenge

GLOBE Europe and Eurasia invites all students to celebrate water we can see around us. Observe lake, river, stream, spring, seashore or any other water body and tell us about significance of the water area for the environment and for the community as well. And have fun!


Dates: March 20 - May 20


How to participate

  1. Register for the Challenge
  2. Explore water sources close to you home or school.

How you can do that? Select from the Water Bodies Checklist the activities you want to do in the 2 months of the challenge. Then, post your activities on Padlet. Both the Checklist and access to Padlet you receive once you register for the Challenge.

The challenge can be done by a class, group of students of by an individual.


Attend a webinar "GLOBE Celebrates Water"

March 13 at 15:00 CET (Prague time)

We will talk about how to take part in the Challenge and what resources GLOBE offers to learn about water. 

Register for the webinar


Badges and Certificates

Schools that mark at least 4 items on the Checklist as “done” and send the Checklist to us by May 20 will receive a badge and a certificate.

Along with the Checklist, they send the outcomes (when it applies – poster, video, photo, screenshot or any other format). The best of WBC will be presented at Water Bodies Show on June 8.



Invitation - leaflet

Invite-social media post

Invite for webinar - social media post

Water Bodies Challenge intro slides

Media release form adult (in case you want to submit a video to us)

Media release form minor (in case you want to submit a video to us, where studenst are featured)



Europe and Eurasia GLOBE Program Region Coordination Office​​​


Event Topics: Campaigns and Projects (IOPs, etc)

Events origin: Europe and Eurasia
