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Tree Ring Project workshop


The Tree Ring Project enters its second period by workshop held in September, 19 - 22 in the town Pisek in the Czech Republic. There were 65 teachers and principals participating from 24 schools (10 from Norway, 8 from Croatia and 6 from the Czech Republic).


Each pair of schools presented the results of their first year successful collaboration – they communicate by e-mails, Facebook and some of them have even realized visits with their students. They also brought their tree ring cores and analyzed  them together with dendroclimatologists, Andreas Kirchhefer from Norway and Monika Vejpustkova from the Czech Republic. During the field day participants were practicing more how to drill tree ring cores, investigating soils with the basic GLOBE protocols and getting to know carbon cycle activities.

Each pair of schools developed a plan for their further collaboration. Next year 2 teachers and 2 students from each school will meet again in Norway in September .

The Tree Ring Project started as a project of the GLOBE Student Climate Research Campaign. Schools in Norway,  Czech Republic and Croatia work together with scientists in a two-year project.

The main theme of the project is to study tree rings and understand how one can extract climatic information from looking at the annual rings of a tree. The students work together with dendroclimatologists.

The general goals of the project:

  • Students carry out their own research projects and work together with the scientist
  • Develop knowledge about each other's country
  • School student exchange


Karl Torstein Hetland, Country Coordinator Norway and Project Manager
Diana Garasic, Country Coordinator Croatia
Ilona Krpcová, Country Coordinator Czech Republic

More info
Read more on the site of GLOBE Norway.

type: globe-news

News origin: Europe and Eurasia
