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The Annual Meeting of International Projects in Israel
In Israel, 129 schools actively participate in the GLOBE Program that unites schools from diverse ethnic communities and allows them to build a peaceful coexistence and cooperate through the environmental education. On 17 May, GLOBE Israel rewarded 28 GLOBE schools for their outstanding work during the year 2016 in various categories:
- GLOBE Creativity - The Best GLOBE Video
- GLOBE Significant Learning - The Best GLOBE Video
- GLOBE Science Collaboration Research: Local (Jewish-Arab Collaboration / International Collaboration).
- GLOBE Digital Games
- The best photo in the 2016 GLOBE At My School Calendar
The 28 schools were awarded GLOBE Certificates and received equipment by the Embassy of the USA.
The Annual Meeting Ceremony of International Projects 2017 was organized by The Science & Technology Administration and the ICT Administration of the Israeli Ministry of Education and took place at Culture Centre Eshkol Pais in Rehovot. Esteemed dignitaries such as school directors and inspectors of various disciplines along with 150 students accompanied by their teachers attended. GLOBE Israel also extended a warm welcome to other distinguished several honored guests such as deputies of the Embassy of Croatia and the U.S. Embassy and representatives of the Ministry of Education.
“During the event, students demonstrated all round capabilities as they not only presented their research outcomes with finesse but also spellbound the audience by their music and dance performances based on the theme – SAVE THE EARTH.” describes Dr. Farid Hamdan, Country Coordinator of the GLOBE Program in Israel.
The GLOBE Program director Dr. Tony Murphy conveyed his best wishes to the schools attending the event through a video conference and by the virtue of his words motivated teachers and students to further work within the GLOBE Program. Mrs. Dana Votapkova and Mrs. Bara Semerakova from Europe and Eurasia Region Coordination Office greeted the students and send Mazal Tov and Mabrouk (congratulations in Hebrew and in Arabic) to Yaacov Cohen Elementary School for being awarded in the best video category. The video conference was concluded by greetings from Juliette Vogel, Switzerland GLOBE Coordinator, who emphasized the activity of College Des Freres in sharing results of their measurement results at GLOBE website.
“The event was very successful in bringing the Israeli GLOBE community together and highly motivating for all members for further expansion of GLOBE activities,” adds Dr. Farid Hamdan. The significance of GLOBE Program in Israel was also recognized by Israeli T.V Channel 2, which broadcasted a report about the event during main national news.
Watch a video from the event:
type: globe-newsNews origin: Europe and Eurasia