News - Lebanon
Call for Nominations: Join one of the Five New GLOBE Working Groups
Five Working Groups are being formed to enhance the role of GLOBE U.S. and Country Partners/Coordinators and GLOBE Scientists and Educators in shaping the future of the GLOBE Program and supporting the development and implementation of GLOBE worldwide.
The Working Groups will be comprised of members of the GLOBE community with relevant expertise who will serve on a rotating basis. When appropriate, at-large members may be included to provide additional perspectives. Interim working groups may also be established for specific purposes.
We are calling on you to participate in the nomination process for representatives of the Working Groups. You can nominate yourself or anyone in the GLOBE Community.
Read the overview from our Sponsors here.
You will see a tab near the top of this page that takes you to the forms necessary to complete your nomination. Based on community feedback on the nomination process, in addition to the online forms you are now required to submit a two-page resume along with your statement.
All nominations are due 24 May 2014.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office