News - Lebanon
New Timeline Animation Tool Added to the Visualization System
Want to see your measurements over time? Use the new timeline animation tool in the Vis system.
To use the tool, just click on the movie icon next to the map date. The tool will open at the bottom of the screen.
How to use the tool:
1. Select a date range (make sure you have already added the desired protocol layers). Click a date to open the calendar interface.
2. You can also select a date range by moving the date range slider on the timeline.
3. Determine the time interval (each day, 1 day per month or 1 day per year).
4. Press the play button to preview the animation.
5. Press record to create an animation to save to a file.
6. Once recorded, press the download icon to save the movie to your computer.
Enter the Visualization system and give it a try!
Additional instructions are in the Vis tutorial.
type: globe-news
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office