The mission of the Joan and
James Leitzel Center for Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Education is “to transform education in mathematics, science and
engineering in elementary and secondary school, and in informal
settings through high quality research, carefully examined practice,
and interdisciplinary collaboration.” It is also a partner with
100Kin10. GLOBE supports the mission of the Leitzel Center and the
broader goal of the 100Kin10 to enrich classrooms with 100,000 STEM
teachers by 2021.
Our partnership goals are to (1) build a training team of GLOBE
teachers and university scientists and graduate students; (2) continue
to support the training of teachers in our Math Science Partnership
(MSP) grant in partnership with the state coordinators from Project
Learning Tree, Project WILD, Project WET, the USDA Forest Service,
Cooperative Extension and Project HOME; and, (3) offer a series of
GLOBE workshops throughout the school year.
We work with schools and teachers primarily in the state of New
Hampshire but open our trainings and support to teachers and schools
in Vermont and Maine, if no other partnership is available locally.
The Leitzel Center works with students and teachers in K–12 and also
has an interest in expanding our work through our Education
department’s pre-service program.
Current Work
Read about our activities from previous years.