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WEBINAR | Snow View IOP: The More Snow Views the Better! Let's Pair Up With a Satellite and Its Sensors

Join Peder Nelson on 20 February at 12:00 pm ET (17:00 UTC) for a Snow View IOP webinar to explore, view, and practice ways of measuring snow from a distance. Remote sensing is a broad term that includes using your GLOBE Observer mobile app to collect images from a ground-perspective but is also the same technology collecting images from space.

In this webinar, we will view trends from our efforts both from the ground but also space-based snow views like GLOBE Visualization maps and images, NASA WorldView for seeing snow cover and snow extent over the past days (#DOY32 to #DOY51), and  AppEEARS -a browser-based tool for easy access to other Earth Observation remote sensing views.

Registration: Register for the webinar here

Event Topics: Campaigns and Projects (IOPs, etc) Webinars

Events origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
