Janet Struble

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GLOBE Mission EARTH SATELLITES Student Conference

Date: May 3, 2017

Time: 4:00-8:00 pm

Place: The University of Toledo Student Union, Ingman Room and SU 2582

Students from Ohio and Michigan Present Findings about their Environment

Toledo, OH   -  Ohio and Michigan students (grades K-16) are presenting their research related to the Earth’s environment at the GLOBE Mission EARTH SATELLITES Student Conference.

Through these research projects, students answer their own science questions by creating hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing data, drawing conclusions and sharing their results by creating a poster display. Some students chose to use GLOBE protocols and its data on the website to answer their questions. The GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Program is an international science and education program that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment. Judges for the conferences are local scientists and teachers in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan.

The keynote speaker, Dr. Michael Cushing, will talk about the 2017 Solar Eclipse occurring on August 21, 2017 throughout the United States. Dr. Cushing is the director of the newly renovated Ritter Planetarium and Brooks Observatory at UT. He led a team of researchers who discovered a new type of brown dwarf, called Y-dwarfs, with temperatures that could be as low as 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Students will receive solar eclipse glasses and will be encouraged to collect GLOBE data on that day.


SATELLITES is a program started by Dr. Kevin Czajkowski in the Geography and Planning Department at The University of Toledo. In a contest, students named the program SATELLITES - Students And Teachers Exploring Local Landscapes to Interpret The Earth from Space, that is now part of a new grant funded by NASA entitled GLOBE Mission EARTH.


4:00-4:30 pm           Students and Teachers Arrive

4:30-4:45 pm           Welcome to the SATELLITES Conference - Dr. Kevin Czajkowski

4:50-5:45 pm           Judging (half of the projects)

5:50-6:45 pm           Judging (other half of the projects)

6:50-7:35 pm           Keynote Speaker – Dr. Michael Cushing  

7:35-8:00 pm           Presentation of Awards