About Us - Mission Earth
About Us
GLOBE Mission EARTH is a collaborative of multiple institutions across the United States formed to increase involvement in the GLOBE Program (www.globe.gov) and to incorporate NASA assets into student learning. Our partners include: NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) in Hampton, VA; Boston University in Boston, MA; Tennessee State University in Nashville, TN; Palmyra Research Facility in Palmyra, NJ; the University of Toledo in Toledo, OH; and, WestEd/University of California at Berkeley in Berkeley, CA. GLOBE Mission EARTH is funded by NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) #: NNX16AC54A. In addition to the members from our partner institutions, our group includes hundreds of other individuals including teachers, students and citizen scientists, located throughout the United States.
GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) is a collaborative effort among multiple institutions across the United States formed to improve STEM education in disadvantaged student populations by encouraging participation in the GLOBE Program and by utilizing NASA assets. GLOBE is a NASA-funded, worldwide environmental monitoring network (www.globe.gov). Through participation in GLOBE, students and citizen scientists collect data from their local environments and submit that data to a cloud-based online system, where it is accessible by participants and NASA scientists. The data provide important validation information that help NASA scientists corroborate satellite monitoring of our planet. Students are encouraged to develop their own projects answering research questions they develop.
In addition to the members of our partner institutions, GME also includes hundreds of teachers, students and citizen scientists. Some of our specific goals include the following: developing innovative methods of teacher and student training in GLOBE data collection, increasing student participation in local and professional research symposia, developing engineering practices within the program, and developing vertically-integrated activities and materials to support implementation of GLOBE in the classroom. GME is focused on disadvantaged student populations in both urban and rural settings. GME results have shown an increase in students’ cognitive spatial abilities, science content knowledge, and positive attitudes to science. GLOBE Mission EARTH promotes student agency, global awareness, "21st century" skills, and college and career readiness. GLOBE Mission EARTH is funded by NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) #: NNX16AC54A.

our mission statement
Our mission is to improve education and involvement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by increasing participation of students and citizens in the GLOBE Program (www.globe.gov).
Our specific goals for GLOBE Mission EARTH include:
Develop vertically-integrated activities and materials to support GLOBE implementation;
Provide K-12 professional development (PD) and year-long as well as multi-year support for teachers with scaling through Train-the-Trainer models;
Enhance STEM Experience for Undergraduate Students;
Engage the public by supporting and enhancing GLOBE, MY NASA DATA and citizen science initiatives;
MIssion Earth Partners

GME Reach Map

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