Our Collaborations - Mission Earth
GME-West Collaborators
Through the GLOBE Mission Earth program, WestEd/UC Berkeley partners with several organizations throughout our school communities including: UC Berkeley College of Chemistry; Chabot Space and Science Center, American River Conservancy; Earth Team; New Mexico Public Education Department; and California Department of Education.
Graduate students from the University of California Berkeley’s College of Chemistry, Atmospheric Studies program (led by Dr. Ron Cohen) visits various high school GLOBE classrooms to assist with student research projects. Graduate students work with GLOBE students, on average, for two days during the formation of a research question and data analysis phases of their projects. Graduate students ask questions and challenge students to narrow their research questions to be answerable with data from the GLOBE website. The graduate students also take time to discuss their careers and talk about the importance of research and data collection.
Chabot Space and Science Center
Home of NASA Ames Visitor Center, Chabot Space & Science Center is a non-profit science center that serves Oakland and the greater Bay Area with an Observatory, Planetarium, exhibition galleries and more.
American River Conservancy
The American River Conservancy serves our communities by ensuring healthy ecosystems
Local community organizations also partner with GME-West. Earth Team offers a Youth Sustainability Internship Program using GLOBE protocols for students at Skyline and Antioch High Schools. Students are trained in GLOBE hydrosphere protocols and use data collect to answer relevant research questions. Both of these internship programs present their research at the Pacific Regional Student Research Symposium (SRS). Also, the Friends of Sausal Creek partner with Skyline students to identify macro invertebrates at a local watershed. This Oakland, CA organization’s goal is to restore, maintain, and protect the Sausal Creek Watershed. Skyline High School students also present their research and data at the Pacific Regional SRS. The Department of Fish and Game provide a newly restored research area: sand dunes along the south shore of the San Joaquin River at the Antioch San Dunes Wildlife Refuge. GLOBE internship students through the Earth Team program practice the land cover classification protocol. Students at this location also assist the US Department of Fish and Game in planting native species such as the evening-primrose, an endangered species.
Consistent with GME’s goal of building the capacity of state agencies, the GME-West team has worked with NASA Langley and responded to the New Mexico Public Education Department (PED) Math and Science Bureau’s request to build a high school curriculum using GLOBE and NASA assets aligned to New Mexico’s Next Generation Science Standards. This was seen as a critical approach to supporting teachers throughout New Mexico by leveraging the direct relationship that the PED has with districts and schools.
GME-West continues to build a relationship and develop capacity within the California Department of Education (CDE). GME-West team members were selected by the CDE to present on the GLOBE Mission EARTH program at an annual conference for California Partnership Academies at the Educating for Careers Conference in March 2018. This presentation was a follow up to the presentation that GME-West was selected by the CDE to make at CDE’s California’s STEAM Symposium in 2017. Both state-wide annual conferences target different audiences within California’s educational system. The STEAM conference targets K-12 science teachers across the state, while the Educating for Careers Conference specifically targets high school partnership (career) academy teachers. Both conference presentations supported the CDE goals of standards integration for Next Generation Science Standards and/or Career Technical Education standards.