Mission Earth News

GME Teacher Cindi Madanski gives presentation about her GLOBE work for YLACES and NAAEE

GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Cindi Madanski from Hawkins STEMM Academy in Toledo, OH gave a presentation about her GLOBE work with her students for the NAEE Conference (North American Association for Environmental Education). Thanks to funding from YLACES (Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists), Mrs. Madanski was able to procure some GLOBE equipment and have her students go outside and collect data, even while at home during the pandemic! Check out the video of her presentation, along with another GLOBE Teacher who also received YLACES funding. Note that YLACES is a great place to apply for small grants to purchase GLOBE equipment to use with students, so check them out at https://www.ylaces.org.

You can read the YLACES website news story about this here: 


And watch the video directly here:


GLOBE Mission Earth News: Teacher Stories Student Research & Activities General Activities

News origin: University of Toledo - Partnership
