Mission Earth News

Upward Bound - UT - Summer 2021

During the Summer of 2021, Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, Janet Struble and Sara Mierzwiak are working with two teachers from the Upward Bound program at the University of Toledo to train them and their students in GLOBE sampling protocols. The teachers, Jerry Davis and Calvin Rogers, are engaging their students in collecting Hydrosphere and Atmosphere data for the summer on the University of Toledo campus and in the surrounding areas. Students will learn to collect Surface Temperature, Air Temperature and Clouds data as part of the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) campaign. They will also learn how collect various water quality data using GLOBE protocols to analyze the health of the Ottawa River, which runs through the University of Toledo campus. Check out some photos below from the effort!





GLOBE Mission Earth News: Teacher Stories Professional Development General Activities

News origin: University of Toledo - Partnership
