Mission Earth News

One Interpreter's View of GLOBE Observer for National Park Service

In the summer of 2016, Mark Kaufman interned at NASA Langley Research Center.  He worked with the Science Directorate's education team with the Cloud Observation team. He shared his previous experiences as an Interpreter with the National Park Service and helped the team think about how the NASA's new GLOBE Observer, citizen science app can be utilized in a park setting. Mark was invited by the Earth to Sky program to share his views on a Webinar.

Webinar Abstract: NASA’s GLOBE Observer app, which encourages participants to observe, question, and examine their natural environments, will be introduced this year. Participant contributions directly benefit a variety of NASA missions. National Parks, Wildlife Refuges and similar settings would provide an ideal platform to introduce millions of curious minds to an app that promotes an ongoing effort to better understand our planet and natural surroundings. 

Additionally, GLOBE Observer can benefit interpreters and environmental educators: it is a novel interpretive tool that can be realistically applied in parks, refuges and similar settings. GLOBE Observer is an application inviting citizens to make environmental observations that complement NASA satellite observations to help scientists studying Earth. Version 1.0 includes GLOBE Clouds, which allows viewers to photograph clouds and record sky observations and compare them with NASA satellite images. GLOBE is now the major source of human observations of clouds, which provide more information than automated systems.

View the full webinar at: http://www.earthtosky.org/professional-development/climate-change/earth-to-sky-climate-change-webinar-archive/details/23/198.html 

type: globe-news

News origin: NASA Langley Research Center
