Mission Earth News

Homeschool Day at Virginia Living Museum

On Friday, September 30, 2016 over 100 home schooled students and their families attended Homeschool Day at Virginia Living Museum in Newport News, VA.  Tina Rogerson and teacher intern Gay Reilly, from the Langley Science Directorate, attended and shared science resources with the homeschool families.  In the TEMPO ozone garden, students had the opportunity to pick two type of bioindicator snap beans, one sensitive and one tolerant.  Students measured the length, the mass and recorded their data. The students had a chance to develop their science observation and measuring skills.  Also outside, students and parents practiced cloud observations and learned how to join other citizen scientists in collecting cloud data for NASA through the new GLOBE Observer App.  Interested parents received information on how to become GLOBE Certified through GLOBE eTraining.  Parents of elementary age students received copies of the Elementary GLOBE book, What’s Up in the Atmosphere? Exploring Colors in the Sky. Staff helped families practice making observations of sky color and they learned about how the presence of aerosols can impact sky color.

type: globe-news

News origin: NASA Langley Research Center
